UiT logo Tromsø Geophysical Observatory
Faculty of Science and Technology
UiT, The Arctic University of Norway
Articles about the Aurora, the earth magnetic field,
and the history of Tromsø Geophysical Observatory.

Nordlyset - hvor, når og hva.
Nordlyset - hva er det?
Veien til den magnetiske nordpol.
Nordlysobservatoriet - historie og erindringer (.pdf-ekstern link)
OTTAR Nordlysobservatoriet 50 år (.pdf-ekstern link)
Elevhefte i kosmisk geofysikk for Videregående skole på Dombås (.pdf-ekstern link)


The Northern Lights - where, when and what.
The northern lights-what are they?
The road to the magnetic north pole.
The auroral Observatory at Tromsø - Foundation and Organisation (1932)


Nordlicht - wo, wann und was?
Das Nordlicht - was ist das
Der Weg zum magnetischen Nordpol

Responsible Editor: Magnar Gullikstad Johnsena>
Last page update 19.May 2020